Publications, 2000-2009


Franks, S.J., and A.E. Weis. 2009. Climate change alters reproductive isolation and potential gene flow in an annual plant. Evolutionary Applications 2: 481-488. (pdf)


Franks, S.J, J.C. Avise, W.E. Bradshaw, J.K. Conner, J.R. Etterson, S.J. Mazer, R.G. Shaw and A.E. Weis. 2008. The Resurrection Initiative: Storing ancestral genotype to capture evolution in action. Bioscience 58: 870-873. (pdf)

Franks, S.J, and A.E. Weis. 2008. A change in climate causes rapid evolution of multiple life-history traits and their interactions in an annual plant. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 1321-1334. (pdf)


Elzinga, J.A., A. Atlan, A. Biere, L. Gigord, A.E. Weis and G. Bernasconi. 2007. Time after time: Flowering phenology and biotic interactions.Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 432-439. (pdf)

Franks, S.J., S. Sim* and A.E. Weis. 2007. Rapid evolution of flowering time by an annual plant in response to a climate fluctuation.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 1278-1282. (pdf)

Ellis, G.A., B.A. Gaut and A.E. Weis. 2007. The spatial scale of local adaptation and populations genetic structure in a miniature succulent, Agyroderma pearsonni. New Phytologist 174: 904-914. (pdf)


Weis, A.E. and S.J. Franks. 2006. Herbivory tolerance and coevolution: an alternative to the arms race? New Phytologist 170: 423-425.

Ellis, G.A., and A.E. Weis. 2006. Coexistance and differentiation of “flowering stones”: the role of local adaptation to soil microenvironment.Journal of Ecology 94: 322-335. (pdf)

Ellis, G.A., A.E. Weis and B.A. Gaut. 2006. Evolutionary radiation of “stone plants” in the genus Argyroderma (Aizoaceae): unraveling the effects of landscape, habitat and flowering time. Evolution 60: 39-55. (pdf)

Franke, D.M., A. Ellis, M. Dharjwa*, M. Freshwater*, A. Padron*, M. Fujikawa* and A.E. Weis. 2006. A steep cline in flowering time for Brassica rapa in southern California, I: Population-level variation in the field and the greenhouse. International Journal of Plant Sciences167: 83-92. (pdf)


Weis, A.E. 2005. Direct and indirect assortative mating: a multivariate approach to plant flowering schedules. Journal of Evolutionary Biology18: 536-546. (pdf)

Hawkins, B.A., J.A.F. Diniz-Filho and A.E. Weis. 2005. The mid-domain effect and diversity gradients: is there anything to learn? American Naturalist 66: E140-E144.

Weis, A.E. 2005. Review of: Genetics in the Wild, John C. Avis. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24: 464-465.

Weis, A.E. 2005. Assessing the ecological fitness of recipients, in, G. poppy and M. Wilkinson (eds.), Gene Flow from Genetically Modified Crops, Blackwell, Sheffield, UK.

Weis, A.E., J. Winterer, T.A. Kossler*, C. Young*, C. Vacher and G.L. LeBuhn. 2005. Phenological assortative mating in plants: causes and consequences of its inherent frequency-dependence. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7: 161-181. (pdf)


Winterer, J. and A.E. Weis. 2004. Stress-induced assortative mating and the evolution of stress resistance. Ecology Letters 7: 785-792. (pdf)

Vacher, C., A.E. Weis, D. Herman*, T. Kossler*, C. Young* and M. Hochberg. 2004. Impact of ecological factors on the initial invasion of Bt transgenes into wild populations of birdseed rape (Brassica rapa). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 190: 806-814. (pdf)

Weis, A.E., and T. M. Kossler*. 2004. Genetic variation in flowering time induces phenological assortative mating: quantitative genetic methods applied to Brassica rapa. American Journal of Botany 91: 825-836. (pdf)


Hochberg, M. and A.E. Weis. 2001. Ecology—Bagging the lag. (News and Views). Nature 409: 992-993.

Weis, A.E. 2001. Predator-prey and parasite-host interactions. In, S. Brenner and J. Miller (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Genetics, Academic Press.

Weis, A.E., E.L. Simms and M.E. Hochberg. 2001. Will plant vigor and tolerance be genetically correlated?: Effects of intrinsic growth rate and self-limitation on re-growth. Evolutionary Ecology 14: 331-352. (pdf)


Weis, A.E., and M.E. Hochberg. 2000. The diverse effects of intra-specific competition on selection for resistance: A model and its predictions.American Naturalist 156: 276-292. (pdf)

Sumerford, D.V., W.G. Abrahamson and A.E. Weis. 2000. The effects of drought on the Solidago altissima-Eurosta solidaginis-natural enemy complex: population dynamics, local extirpations, and measures of selection intensity on gall size. Oecologia 122: 240-248.

[2010 – present]

[1990 – to 1999]

[1980 – to 1989]
